Early in 2024 I was having a conversation with a natural health practitioner who told me she had been hearing from a lot of people suffering from anxiety, and depression. It was outside the normal range she normally deals with.
I had been hearing that our world was experiencing a lot of CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections), and then someone told me that the Schumann Frequency had changed dramatically and this got me to thinking......
The ancient cultures of the world worshipped the Sun and knew that it had a major influence on our planet, affecting everything from the weather to our health and mental well being.
The sun has many cycles, one being sunspot activity which is called a Solar Cycle.
What is a Sunspot?
Sunspot's are darker, cooler spots on the sun. They can be very large (up to 30,000 miles in diameter) When the sun’s magnetic field builds up pressure they explode, releasing solar flares and big storms (Coronal Mass Ejections) CME's that shoot out into our solar system and many do come towards Earth. The strength of these flares have many factors which NASA explain in more detail on their blog (link is below).
When a strong flare happens it can knock out satellites, disrupt GPS systems, and fry electrical grids. They often show up as intense flares in the aurora borealis.
On a larger societal scale, increased rates of violence, crime, social unrest, revolutions and frequency of terrorist attacks have been linked to the solar cycle and the resulting disturbances in the geomagnetic field.
Increased solar activity has not only been associated with social unrest, it is also associated with the periods of the greatest human flourishing with clear spurts of innovation and creativity in architecture, arts, sciences, and positive social change, as well as with variable human performance in the financial markets
Solar Cycles
Solar Cycles are the cycle that the Sun's magnetic field goes through over a period of approximately 9 to 11 years. It has four distinct periods of solar activity during this time.
Period 1 - lasting approx 3 years with minimum sunspot activity
Period 2 - lasting approx 2 years with increasing sunspot activity
Period 3 - lasting approx 3 years with maximum sunspot activity
Period 4 - lasting approx 3 years with decreasing sunspot activity
Period 3 with its maximum sunspot activity is estimated to be peaking in 2024, with the 11 year cycle ending in approx 2030 before going into the next cycle.
Nasa has recorded six large solar flares between January and March 28 of 2024 with all the information on each one available on their blog
What else is effected by this Solar Cycle
It seems to be that when the sunspot activity increases so do other energies and magnetics affecting our planet.
A geomagnetic storm is a major disturbance of Earth's magnetosphere that occurs when there is a very efficient exchange of energy from the solar wind into the space environment surrounding Earth.
At the time of writing this blog in early 2024 our Earth has had the largest storm in six years.
Russian professor of Astronomy and Biological Physics, , A. L. Tchijevsky, noticed that particularly severe battles followed solar flares during the sunspot peak period of 1916-17. He was so intrigued by this he compiled the histories of 72 countries from 500 BC to 1922 AD to provide a database to articulate his correlations. He called it the "Index of Mass Human Excitability''.
Tchijevsky found that fully 80% of the most significant human events occurred during the 5 years or so of maximum sunspot activity.
Other research has focused on weather, climate, agriculture, and the stock market !!
Research using 93 years of sunspot data comparing the trends of U.S. stocks over the same span have concurred that important stock market peaks consistently precede sunspot cycle maximums.
When Solar-geomagnetic activity is rapidly changing (either on the ascent or descent) of a solar cycle when spots are rapidly increasing or diminishing it appears to have the greatest potential to affect human moods, behaviour patterns, creativity and historical trends.
Do Solar Cycles affect Schumann Resonance?
Recently the Schumann Frequency (SF) has also changed with an increase in its range.
The normal frequency resonance is around the 7.83Hz
We the people resonate at between 5 and 10 Hz on average - the resonance changes from the waking state, to the active state, or the meditative state. Each state has its own frequency and is easily measured by scientists.
Brain waves are measured in cycles per second or Hertz and are based on their frequency or speed. These are the names of those frequencies.
Delta - 0 Hz to 4 Hz corresponds with SR 4.11 Hz
This brain rhythm occurs in a deep dreamless sleep or unconsciousness. This is associated with drowsiness.
Theta - 4 Hz to 8 Hz corresponds with SR 4.11 Hz, SR 7.83 Hz
This brain rhythm is also associated with drowsiness. It occurs at the first stage of sleep and during deep meditation, when we are awake but open to mental imagery. This brain rhythm has been associated with creativity, intuition, daydreaming and fantasizing. Activity from the limbic system and an increase in anxiety, behavioral activation and inhibition have been observed when in this state.
Normal Schumann Resonance is here at 7.83 on the edge between Theta and Alpha
Alpha - 8 Hz to 12 Hz corresponds with SR 7.83 Hz
The major rhythm seen in a normal, relaxed adult. Considered the common state during alertness but not actively processing information. Alpha has been linked to creativity (creative people show alpha when listening and coming to a solution) and mental work. Other Alpha activities are associated with overall mental and body/mind coordination, calmness, alertness and learning.
Beta - 12 Hz to 30 Hz* corresponds with SR 14 Hz, 20 Hz, 26 Hz
Beta is more a state of highly active processing. It occurs during normal waking consciousness and outward attention.
Slow beta: 12-17 is normal information processing and mental activity;
Fast beta: 17-30 is heightened alertness and fight or flight, or anxiety.
Gamma - 30 Hz to 100 Hz corresponds with SR 33 Hz, 39 Hz, 45 Hz, 59 Hz
Whales and dolphins operate in these frequencies.
These are the highest brain waves and are associated with happiness and openness.
According to Healthline when you are firing on all cylinders and completely focused your are in a Gamma state. You have achieved peak concentration. Meditation is considered to be a state of Gamma, and some techniques have recorded different states of Gamma during the meditative state.
Recently there have been recordings of Schumann Frequency potentially reaching as high as 36 Hz.
This raised questions in my mind about the relevance of this to the Solar cycle. Is there a connection to the Solar cycle and the particular period within the 11 year cycle? In 2024 we are in the peak of Period 3, -the period of intensified sunspot activity, and the geomagnetic storms are also larger. So is this also effecting the Schumann frequency?
It makes sense to me but was there any research to support this theory. After some serious searching to find the science, not the spiritual aspect (which I am all for BTW), I finally found some solid research from Advancing Space and Earth Sciences online library of research articles.
Section 5.2 - Inter Annual Variations in the Intensity and Frequency
And other research that also mentions the 11 year cycle.
How do these energy and frequency changes affect us?
Many studies have been published describing a broad range of physiological, psychological, and behavioral changes associated with changes or disturbances in geomagnetic activity and solar activity. In some countries, magnetic field disturbances are included in public weather forecast reports.
Long term studies on heart rate variability responses to changes in Schumann frequency is just one that you will find if you dig down for information.
In the last decade research has shown that these solar storms can create significant changes in the intensity and stability of SF resonance signals, which in turn alters brain and heart synchronization and brain melatonin levels.
These have been recorded as:
Changes in blood pressure
Reproductive, immune, cardiac, and neurological changes
Stress related, mental health, and depression symptoms.
In 1974 Konig recorded that human reaction times were significantly impacted by SF with 10Hz speeding up reaction times, and 3 Hz signals from thunderstorms lowering reaction times.
We the people are intimately connected to this amazing planet and solar system.....
We the people and all life forms on Earth are not separate from the whole.....
Our solar system influences our daily lives even if we do not know it, or recognise the signs.
What can we do to support our well being?
This is a natural cycle and many people are now suggesting that instead of feeling like the world is 'out to get us' it is time to take responsibility for our energies, and work together to bring about a better world of cohesion and unity.
In researching this blog because of a random conversation with a beautiful woman who is trying to empower people to unity, I also found there is a whole worldwide scientific movement whose goal is to bring people together through a better understanding of their own energy. They provide self-transformational tools and technologies that help people align to their higher potentials, take responsibility for their own energy, and learn how to harness these changing energies that happen during the Solar Cycle.
This movement is called the Global Coherence Initiative, and is part of the work of the HeartMath Institute. In their own words:
Since 1991, the HeartMath Institute has developed reliable, scientifically validated tools that help people reduce and avoid stress while experiencing increased peace, satisfaction and self-security. Research at the HeartMath Institute shows that, adding heart to our daily activities and connections produces measurable benefits to our own and others’ well-being.
They provide a range of HeartMath Coherence tools and techniques to help you improve mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
They also have a range of tools and techniques to help all age groups from 3-6 years, 7-11 years, and 12-18 years as they deal with the ever increasing stresses of our fast changing world.
If you feel challenged by life, mental or physically maybe it is worth taking some time and looking into what this group has to offer. Or perhaps get involved to help not only yourself but this amazing planet we call home.